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  • Protocol Test.
    Apr 23 2024, 13:20
    How Does Uniswap Work?

    Uniswap’s network is designed to facilitate the buying and selling of crypto assets in a way that mirrors a traditional exchange. It does this by maintaining smart contracts in which users can deposit crypto assets that can be programmatically accessed by traders. Uses who trade against assets in the pool pay a fee that is then distributed to all liquidity providers proportionally, based on their contribution to the pool. Uniswap’s liquidity pools Each Uniswap pool holds two tokens, which together represent a trading pair for those assets.

  • Protocol Test.
    Apr 22 2024, 11:30
    What is blockchain?

    Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. An asset can be tangible (a house, car, cash, land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding). Virtually anything of value can be tracked and traded on a blockchain network, reducing risk and cutting costs for all involved.



  • Protocol Test.
    Oct 15 2024, 09:59
    At 2:50, we picked up our luggage and headed to the exit.

    Where is the express train station? The express train stands downstairs. We went downstairs and bought an express train ticket. Since we are students, the tickets we bought were not expensive. At 6:10, we arrived in Beijing. Since we were tired, we wanted to find our hotel to rest. Beijing is big, so we used a map to find hotels. We can call it, but we have a map, so we'll walk.

    • Hackathon
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  • Protocol Test.
    Oct 15 2024, 09:58
    下午两点十分, 我们到了北京首都国际机场。

    下午两点十分, 我们到了北京首都国际机场。 这给我的第一印象如何? 这儿是什么:是机场还是天堂? 两点三十分, 我们接受护照检查。 这是怎么回事? 这是旅客在排队吗? 我们走近柜台, 盖了印。 边防警察很热情。 他问我是哪国人以及来中国的目的是什么。 我用汉语回答, 我来中国学习汉语, 他很高兴。 两分钟以后, 我们就去取行李了。

    • Polywrap
    • Hackathon
  • Protocol Test.
    Oct 9 2024, 09:42
    Expert Q&A

    A post that inquires about one of the following: A solution to a problem that requires expert knowledge or experience; Source of information or resources on a specific subject that is not easily found; Explanation or clarification of the information that is complicated to comprehend; Ask for an instruction or a recipe.

    • Polywrap
    • Hackathon
  • Protocol Test.
    Oct 9 2024, 09:41
    Expert Q&A

    A post that inquires about one of the following: A solution to a problem that requires expert knowledge or experience; Source of information or resources on a specific subject that is not easily found; Explanation or clarification of the information that is complicated to comprehend; Ask for an instruction or a recipe.

    • Event
    • IPLD
  • Protocol Test.
    Oct 8 2024, 09:23
    Post 0000000000000000000005

    Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001Post 0000000000000000000001

    • Polywrap
    • Hackathon
    Best Answer
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